As we ease ourselves back into the new year following the excitement of the festive season, we start to look forward to the year ahead of us, bringing new hope, new connections and new opportunities. Future Living Hertford is off to a great start so far. From the first week in January, the team got straight back into delivering our in-person programmes. This included the start of two Monica Programmes, our first in-person Wise Guys programme and our Domestic Abuse Lived Experience Training for Hertfordshire Police Officers.
It’s certainly been busy but it’s great to see our home at Vale House, Hertford brimming with life! We are fortunate to have such a great location and a beautiful building offering lots of space, which is perfect for the vast range of services we offer.
Our in-person programmes
The Monica Programme is a 12 week in-person programme for female survivors of domestic abuse. Throughout the 12 weeks, a range of topics are covered such as gas lighting, establishing boundaries and healthy relationships to help women rebuild their lives, following abuse. Similarly, Wise Guys is a 12 week programme for male survivors of domestic abuse. This programme is usually delivered online but for the first time, we decided to deliver the programme in person. So far this has proven to be a great opportunity for the men to connect with others in the group, something which is more difficult to do online.
Training Hertfordshire Police
The Police Domestic Abuse Lived Experience Training has been a great addition to our training programmes. The officers who attend get to hear from Jodie, who is a former client of Future Living Hertford and a survivor of domestic abuse. Jodie shares her story, where officers are given the opportunity to ask her questions about her experiences with the police. The aim of the training is to allow Police to gain more knowledge of what it can be like for the victim when they are in an abusive relationship, particularly where there is police involvement. We hope they can take away a better insight into how the victim feels and what they can do to support future victims who they are likely to encounter in their frontline work.
Our work with Children and Young People
Due to a higher level of referrals for our children’s therapy service, The Base, we have enlisted a new children’s therapist to compliment the other 2 therapists who deliver work with children and young people at Future Living Hertford. We have had some wonderful feedback so far from one of the parent’s who brings her son to therapy:
“My son thoroughly enjoyed his session today and said he felt really safe and comfortable and cannot wait to see the therapist next week.
I am so pleased and think he will really benefit from the therapy.
Thank you so much.”
The team are thrilled to be back, doing what we are passionate about and are privileged to continue to support survivors of domestic abuse and the wider community through our work.
For more information about any of our services, email: [email protected]