Rolling out Wise Guys nationwide


The services offered by Future Living are inclusive of male and female survivors of domestic abuse. Although a higher percentage of our clients are female, we are starting to see a rise in men requiring support. . 


Statistics show that men are far less likely than women to seek help following domestic abuse. This can be down to a number of reasons. The victim may fear not being believed, fear  judgment or worry they may be perceived as weak. 


This is why services which are specifically aimed at men are important. They offer a place men can turn to. A place where they know they are likely to come across other men who have experienced domestic abuse. It makes it more accessible if men know there is a dedicated service just for them. It helps them to understand that what they have been through is real and does happen to other men too, helping them feel less isolated. 


We are delighted to have teamed up with Mankind Initiative, a charity that helps male victims of domestic abuse. They offer an anonymous helpline, which consists of trained professionals who can simply listen or are able to offer practical and safety advice. When victims call the helpline, it is often the first step they take in seeking support. Beyond this, the victim is then directed to services who can help. 


Our Wise Guys programme will now be listed on the charity’s website as a nationwide support programme for men. The 8 week programme will be delivered online and will also include online counselling sessions to support those who attend through the process. 


Working remotely means we can reach more men and makes it far more accessible for those who need the support. The Wise Guys programme focuses on different topics each week and is designed to help the victims gain a better understanding of what domestic abuse is and ways in which they may have been subjected to this. It teaches the men about what a healthy relationship should look like as well as potential ‘red flags’ to look out for that the relationship may be becoming abusive. 


The programme combined with the fantastic work Mankind Initiative do really will make a difference to men’s lives. It will educate them to ensure they are more equipped for starting new healthy relationships in the future.

You can call the ManKind Initiative free helpline on: 01823 334 244.


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